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Hi!  Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.  I started sketching when I was 6 years old.  With much encouragement from my parents, I would sit at the kitchen table for hours with a notepad and a pencil.  As I made my way through the school years, I found myself creating less and less, focusing more so on music.  I used my art skills only when a book report was so lacking, that I would save the grade by adding illustration.  Finally, my senior year of high school, I decided to take an art class.  This took me to college, where I studied the human body in various life drawing courses.  Then life got in the way.  Once again I found myself using my skills only when needed, but this time for my day job.  After much deliberation, I have finally mustered up the courage to paint full-time, specializing in custom portraits.  I built a studio within my home, and almost overnight Black Sheep Brushstrokes was born.  Life is too short to dream about what could have been.

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